Nee Kee Wa Nan means "We Are Going Home" in Cree. This name was developed by the Working Group. It was chosen, in part to reflect Cree ways of thinking and Cree values such as kindness, truth, honesty, sharing, and strength.
Nee Kee Wa Nan was also chosen as the Initiative's name, because it represents bringing the children home-emotionally emotionally, spiritually and physically. Nee Kee Wa Nan means something different to each Survivor and family member personally, whether it means healing an inner child within or bringing a lost family member home to rest. We invite you to reflect on what Nee Kee Wa Nan means to you.
The Nee Kee Wa Nan (“We’re Going Home”) Initiative is a Survivor-led Initiative working to locate and honour missing children, uncover the truth regarding St. Anne’s Residential School and bring healing to Survivors of St. Anne's Residential School and their families. The Initiative has been underway for several months, receiving support from the Ontario and Federal governments. The Nee Kee Wa Nan Initiative is guided by protocols developed by the Working Group, made up of Survivors, including Intergenerational Survivors, from across the Mushkegowuk region.
To review the work of the Initiative so far, please see our Events to Date Timeline.
Fort Albany is located on south shore of the Albany River across from our twin community of Kashechewan. There is an on-reserve population of 900. The community is accessible by air only and is approximately 150 km north of Moosonee. Fort Albany First Nation (FAFN) is governed by an elected Chief and councillors and is affiliated regionally with the Mushkegowuk Council based in Moose Factory, and with Nishnawbe-Aski Nation as Treaty 9 signatories. FAFN employs approximately 140 people in the delivery of political, administration, health, housing, economic development, and other services. Fort Albany is located on the West coast of James Bay, Longitude –81 degrees west 30’ 4”and latitude 52 degrees north 15’ 4”. It accessible by air; 128 air km. northwest of Moosonee, by water, and by winter road.